Monday, October 8, 2012

Preston's Birth Day

So truth is I was excited and yet dreading this day....does that make sense?  So excited to meet our little boy, kiss him, hold him, smell him, see what he looks like and just bask in all his wonderfulness!  On the other hand I knew that once he was out there was a lot of uncertainty and scariness.  He was in his nice little, and was all safe there.  In the outside world he could not survive without a surgery and I knew they would whisk him away from me.

So the 11:00 am scheduled induction did not happen, I loved where I delivered Kierstin, it was small and nice.  Buffalo is big and busy!  Due to a lack of rooms I did not get in until about 1:30!  We just sat in the waiting room...waiting!  Uncomfortable, anxious, and just ready to see him.  We finally got the room and I had tested positive for Group B Strep (not an STD....I know it sounds like one, but really common).  So I had to have an antibiotic and then wait 4 hours before the next dose and then they would be able to break my water.  So by the time they gave me the first dose it was like 3 pm.  I got some potosin to start things up, but not any real pain just some mild cramping.

So we just hung out in the room, my mom had flown in from Florida to be there so she made it in time to wait with us.  We texted updates, made some calls, talked, and that was about it.  Then I got my next dose at about 7 and they were able to break my water finally.  Let me tell you when they said I had a lot of fluid they were right!  Eric would not even stand next to me he was so grossed out!  He stood on the other side of the curtain and said it sounded like he was standing by a stream.  It was quite gross!

Things started to get more intense, not too bad just I could feel it more.  They all advised that if I wanted an epidural now was the time, because after the water breaks things really speed up, I took their advice and good thing.  Dr. E checked me and I was at 7 cm I think she talked to me a bit and then was going to go get a bite to eat.  I told her I felt a lot of pressure and she checked again and boom...10 cm and head was in launch mode!

I was whisked off to the OR for a natural birth. I will spare all the details, but we will just say embarrassing!  2 doctors and one nurse for me.  Then about 20 people walk in for Preston.  Just sitting there waiting around talking waiting for me to push him out.  It was very uncomfortable to say the least!  

He came out so easy, no pain at all.  Dr. E even said ok just give me a small push or he is going to fly across the room.  I remember that final push at 8:56 pm and then a small cry and he was out and he was beautiful!  Lots of dark hair, his little eyes struggling to open in the bright OR lights.  A little 6 lb 6oz peanut.  I got to hold him right away while Eric cut the cord.  They suctioned him and I remember him sounding like there was a lot of fluid in his lungs.  He was perfect!  So tiny and sweet.  I fell even more in love with him.....all this waiting and worrying and here he was my baby, my little angel!

They quickly took him over to the 20 waiting people and gave him a quick examination.  In what felt like forever they brought him over and Eric got to hold him for about a minute then I got to hold him again and kiss him and just marvel at how perfect he looked.  I did not see a baby with downs syndrome.  I just saw a perfect little boy, my little boy!  He was so tiny, but so perfectly formed.  He was our miracle!  The nurse kept trying to take him back, but I was not ready to let go so I held on tight.  Finally she pried him out of my arms and they whisked him off to the NICU.  I would not see him again for 3 emotional agonizing hours!

So I went to the recovery area, Eric and my mom got to go visit him and would bring me pictures or send me some (Thankful for modern technology).  I had to wait for the epidural to wear off before I could go anywhere.  I found out he weighted 6 lbs 6 oz and was 19 inches long.  2 oz of fluid was suctioned out of him.  Dr's would come in and out, surgeons telling me all kinds of things I don't even remember.  All I thought about was how perfect he was and I did not care what label they put on him....he was my precious baby boy and nothing would ever change that!  I was in love!

I finally did get to see him 3 hours later.  In a wheel chair.  I got to see that precious boy with a big tube down his throat, 2 iv's in his hands, and numerous monitors hooked to him.  It broke my heart!  What did they do to my little angel.  It just looked so sad.  This was not how it was suppose to go.  We should be in a nice quiet room cuddling together, no wires or tubes.  We should be nursing and bonding.  Not like this!

I did get to hold him, but started to feel like I was going to faint so I had to give him up.....I was so mad at myself, but when I almost fell out of the wheelchair on the way back I guess I made the right decision. I would not see him until the next morning and then he would go into surgery.

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