Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Teamwork and Not Sweating the Small Stuff!

Being home with Preston was and still is amazing!  He was such a great sleeper, we did have to get up every 3 hours to feed him due to the weight gain issue, but we used his g-tube at night and let him get his beauty sleep.  Eric and I would alternate so we could get at least a 6 hour stretch of sleep at a time.  Team work is key with any baby, but especially so when you have one that needs some extra care.  That is pretty much how we got through the first few months home until we were able to fall into a more "normal" routine.

I want to say this, Eric is my rock.  He is the best daddy I could have ever asked for for my children.  His life totally changed when Kierstin entered the world and he became a father.  She immediately had him wrapped around her tiny finger.  Preston may need extra care, but Eric is never going to shy away from that like some men would.  He is with me 100% about wanting Preston to achieve all in life that he can and wants to.  Almost 15 years ago when we first met I know we never thought life would take us to having a child with special needs, but I know God placed us together and know that together we are stronger then we are apart.  Preston is going to accomplish amazing things in life and amaze all the critics out there, but know that he has two parents that are behind him all the way.

Raising any child is never an easy task, but the reward is oh so great.  I know the road ahead of us is not always going to be easy.  We have many challenges that lie ahead, but Preston has two parents that think the world of him.  We are both so excited to see what God has in store for his life.  He was given to us for a reason.  Downs Syndrome is not going to scare us.  It is not something we are going to fear, it is something we are going to embrace and our hope is to change the way people think about someone with this condition.

An older relative of mine was trying to encourage me (I think) and said "Don't ever say he has Down's Syndrome"  I was taken back a little but just kind of walked away.  I found that pretty offensive, but considering the age of the person and that fact that it really was said more in ignorance vs malice I chose to shut my mouth and not say anything (for those of you that know me you must be shocked!).

I don't want anyone to ever think that is something to be ashamed of.  He does have Down's Syndrome, it is a fact not something I am trying to hide.  I for one have decided that I like that he has Downs Syndrome.  Everyone always looks at me like I am crazy when I say that and my reply is always "What do you want me not to like it?"

He may take a little longer to catch on to some things in life that the rest of us take for granted, but when he does get it we are all going to be that much more excited!  I am learning not to sweat the little things anymore.  So what if the car got a dent in it?  So what that I threw my phone in the washer?  Is that the end of the world?  Absolutely not!  Anymore, I see people freaking out about simple things and I kind of want to say....REALLY?!?!?  I can't be too much of a critic, I use to be one of them, but I am learning.

So I am really not sure what this post is about, but hopefully you all got something out of it :)

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