Sometimes I get the feeling people who don't know Preston feel sorry for our family once finding out that he has Down Syndrome. I have gotten the oh I am so sorry, you poor people look on more then one occasion. I probably would have been the same way a few years ago so I am not angered by this, but oh if they only knew how totally opposite it is!
I was always willing to accept any child God would bless us with, but in my heart I wanted a "typical" child. You know the easy way! I did not know any other way. However, now I do and oh let me tell you so far this has been one incredible journey. Sure there are days where his medical issues make me want to scream, but past that, this diagnosis of Down Syndrome that I so feared has been our families greatest gift.
It feels like I am in a secret exclusive club, one that only an elite few are invited to join. It is like we know a secret, a hidden joy. I can now look into the eyes of another parent who has been blessed with this gift and have an instant bond, an understanding on what an awesome gift we both have been given. Sure there are some challenges along the way, but the reward makes it all worth it. It is the journey of a lifetime and lucky for us we are just at the beginning of ours. We have so much more that is to come.
I really wish I had the words to describe how complete Preston makes our lives. I know anyone who actually knows him and has seen his pictures can see how infectious his smiles are. He is such an uplifting little soul. Truly he gives life a greater meaning. I hear all the time on how just one picture of him can turn anyones day around. He really is a unique blessing to everyone.
I had so many fears when finding out about his diagnosis. I slowly see each one melting away as I watch in awe at how much this one little dude can make such an impact on all who he comes in contact with.
One of the biggest fears I had was what kind of relationship Kierstin would have with her brother. I now see them together and it is simply amazing to watch them interact. The love between them is so obvious. He lights up when he sees her. She can get reactions out of him that nobody else can. It goes both ways, she loves him to pieces. She is so protective of him and can't stop hugging him. He will hug her and laughs with joy. It is the most wonderful sight to this once worried mommy's eyes. Their sibling relationship is going to be stronger than any I could have imagined.
He truly and totally completes us! We love this world he is showing us. The days are brighter and life is sweeter all because of all the mommies and daddies in the world, God chose us!